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(wʊd; unstressed wəd)would
(wʊd; unstressed wəd)v.
Would is a modal. It is used in a number of different ways.
When would comes after a pronoun, it is not usually pronounced in full. When you write down what someone says, you usually represent 'would' as 'd and add it to the end of the pronoun. For example, instead of writing 'I would like that', you write 'I'd like that'.
Would has the negative form would not. The not is not usually pronounced in full. When you write down what someone says, you usually write wouldn't. For example, instead of writing 'He would not do that', you write 'He wouldn't do that'.
You can use would to talk about something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens.
Used to has a similar meaning.
However, used to can also be used to talk about states and situations that existed in the past but no longer exist. You cannot use 'would' like this. You can say, for example, 'She used to work there'. Don't say 'She would work there'
You use would have to talk about actions and events that were possible in the past, although they did not in fact happen.
When would not is used to talk about something that happened in the past, it means that someone refused to do something.
Would is sometimes used in stories to talk about someone's thoughts about the future.
You use would in a conditional sentence when you are talking about a situation that you know does not exist. Use would in the main clause. In the conditional clause, use the past simple, the past progressive, or could.
Be Careful!
Don't use 'would' in the conditional clause in sentences like these. Don't say, for example, 'If I would have enough money, I would buy the car'.
When you are talking about the past, you use would have in a conditional sentence to mention an event that might have happened but did not happen. In this kind of sentence, you use the past perfect in the conditional clause and would have in the main clause.
Would is also used in reported clauses.
You can use would to make a request.
You can also use would to give an order or instruction.
You can say 'Would you...?' when you are offering something to someone, or making an invitation.
[wʊd] AUX VB, MODAL AUX VBif you had asked him he would have done it → si se lo hubieras pedido lo habría hecho
you would never know she was not a native Spanish speaker → nadie diría que el español no es su lengua materna
would you go there by yourself? → ¿irías allí sola?
I would have a word with him (if I were you) → sería aconsejable discutirlo con él
I wouldn't worry too much if I were you → yo en tu lugar no me preocuparía demasiado
I thought you would want to know → pensé que querrías saber
it would be you! → ¡tú tenías que ser!
he would say that, wouldn't he? → es lógico que dijera eso
it would have been about eight o'clock → serían las ocho
it would seem so → así parece ser
would you like some tea?; would you care for some tea? → ¿quiere tomar un té?
would you come this way? → pase por favor or (esp LAm) si hace favor
would that it were not so! (o.f., poet) → ¡ojalá (y) no fuera así!
would to God!, would to heaven! (liter) → ¡ojalá!
try as he would → por mucho que se esforzara, por más que intentase
[ˈwʊd](STRONG) [wəd] modal aux vbIf you asked him he would do it → Si vous le lui demandiez, il le ferait.
If you had asked him he would have done it → Si vous le lui aviez demandé, il l'aurait fait.
would that (= if only) → si seulement
Would that it were true → Si seulement c'était vrai.
Would you like a biscuit? → Voulez-vous un biscuit?
Would you like to go and see a film? → Veux-tu aller voir un film?
I'd like to go to America → J'aimerais aller en Amérique.
Shall we go and see a film? - Yes, I'd like that → Si on allait voir un film? - Oui, j'aimerais bien.
It WOULD have to snow today! → Naturellement il neige aujourd'hui!, Il fallait qu'il neige aujourd'hui!
He wouldn't say where he got the information → Il ne voulait pas dire où il avait eu cette information.
She wouldn't do it → Elle n'a pas voulu le faire., Elle a refusé de le faire.
would you (in requests) → est-ce que vous voulez bien
Would you close the door please? → Est-ce que vous voulez bien fermer la porte s'il vous plaît?